Regarding Mary I think it is reasonable to take Mary being informed of all of the literature. But if one takes that “Mary knows all about color” then that could include meditation and lucid dreaming skills which could make it possible for the abstract parts of the brains to simulate and drive the perceptual parts of the brain. it might literally be possible to hallucinate colors and it might literally be possible to hallucinate colors one hasn’t already seen. The distinction between these kinds of knowing is still valuable, but I am a stickler for possiblity claims.
An unquided hallucination strip would probably be a random walk and be helpless as a epistemic tool. Intricate knowledge of neurobiology and connectomes and such might be able to function as a kind of guide of constructing very specific kind of hallucinations/experiences. Like very intricate knowledge of the quirks of a simulation of a MMO like world of warcraft might be able to give a clue how to blow a real-world physical fuse to alter the simulation. From the game you wouldn’t guess that it is running on computers but if you know it is and that security flaws are a thing then seeing through the spoon can give power.
Thus what is and what is not possible in letting a mind go wild on itself is difficult to say.
Regarding Mary I think it is reasonable to take Mary being informed of all of the literature. But if one takes that “Mary knows all about color” then that could include meditation and lucid dreaming skills which could make it possible for the abstract parts of the brains to simulate and drive the perceptual parts of the brain. it might literally be possible to hallucinate colors and it might literally be possible to hallucinate colors one hasn’t already seen. The distinction between these kinds of knowing is still valuable, but I am a stickler for possiblity claims.
An unquided hallucination strip would probably be a random walk and be helpless as a epistemic tool. Intricate knowledge of neurobiology and connectomes and such might be able to function as a kind of guide of constructing very specific kind of hallucinations/experiences. Like very intricate knowledge of the quirks of a simulation of a MMO like world of warcraft might be able to give a clue how to blow a real-world physical fuse to alter the simulation. From the game you wouldn’t guess that it is running on computers but if you know it is and that security flaws are a thing then seeing through the spoon can give power.
Thus what is and what is not possible in letting a mind go wild on itself is difficult to say.