I like this, and also “I don’t quite understand why [X]”, which puts them in the pleasant position of explaining to me from a position of superiority—or sometimes realizing that they can’t.
I guess this only works on people who feel friendly. Making them also feel superior… now they owe you a decent explanation.
A hostile person could find other way to feel superior, without explanation. For example, they could say: “Just use google to educate yourself, dummy!”
I like this, and also “I don’t quite understand why [X]”, which puts them in the pleasant position of explaining to me from a position of superiority—or sometimes realizing that they can’t.
I guess this only works on people who feel friendly. Making them also feel superior… now they owe you a decent explanation.
A hostile person could find other way to feel superior, without explanation. For example, they could say: “Just use google to educate yourself, dummy!”