For a while I was in the habit of putting my little life lessons in the form of Anki cards and memorizing them. I would also memorize things like conflict resolution protocols and checklists for depressive thinking. Unfortunately it didn’t really work, in the sense that my brain consistently failed to recall the appropriate knowledge in the appropriate context.
I tried using an iOS app caled Lift but I found it difficult to use and not motivating.
I also tried using an iOS app called Alarmed to ping me throughout the day with little reminders like “Posture” and “Smile” and “Notice” to improve my posture, attitude, and level of mindfulness, respectively. This worked better but I eventually got tired of my phone buzzing so often with distracting, non-critical information and turned off the reminders.
My very first post on LessWrong was about proceduralizing rationality lessons, I think it’s one of the biggest blank spots in the curriculum.
For a while I was in the habit of putting my little life lessons in the form of Anki cards and memorizing them. I would also memorize things like conflict resolution protocols and checklists for depressive thinking. Unfortunately it didn’t really work, in the sense that my brain consistently failed to recall the appropriate knowledge in the appropriate context.
I tried using an iOS app caled Lift but I found it difficult to use and not motivating.
I also tried using an iOS app called Alarmed to ping me throughout the day with little reminders like “Posture” and “Smile” and “Notice” to improve my posture, attitude, and level of mindfulness, respectively. This worked better but I eventually got tired of my phone buzzing so often with distracting, non-critical information and turned off the reminders.
My very first post on LessWrong was about proceduralizing rationality lessons, I think it’s one of the biggest blank spots in the curriculum.
Yes, a blank spot and one that makes everything else near-useless. This needs to be figured out.