Frontier Red Team, Alignment Science, Finetuning, and Alignment Stress Testing
What’s the difference between a frontier red team and alignment stress-testing? Is the red team focused on the current models you’re releasing and the alignment stress testing focused on the future?
I think Frontier Red Team is about eliciting model capabilities and Alignment Stress Testing is about “red-team[ing] Anthropic’s alignment techniques and evaluations, empirically demonstrating ways in which Anthropic’s alignment strategies could fail.”
What’s the difference between a frontier red team and alignment stress-testing? Is the red team focused on the current models you’re releasing and the alignment stress testing focused on the future?
I think Frontier Red Team is about eliciting model capabilities and Alignment Stress Testing is about “red-team[ing] Anthropic’s alignment techniques and evaluations, empirically demonstrating ways in which Anthropic’s alignment strategies could fail.”