Why would voters in those districts want to gather around a Schelling point?
I think both in US elections and in German elections, the primary reason of why it’s valuable for a politician to be a good represenative of his districts is not about votes in the main election. In the US a candidate that does badly at local represenation risks getting primaried.
This is do to the combination of for example a major of a city having a lot of insight into whether the interests of their city are well-represented at the national stage by the local representative while at the same time the major has local political power that can be used to draft primary opponents.
Given that being primaried is one of the ways a congressman fails to be reelected it’s valuable for them to not antagonize their local political power players and represent them in parliament.
It seems like the assignment has very little power in your system I find it unlikely that representation of a district will work better then in FPTP as you claim.
PLACE is compatible with primaries; primaries would still be used in the US.
Thus, PLACE has all the same (weak) incentives for the local winner to represent any nonpartisan interests of the local district, along with strong incentives to represent the interests of their party X district combo. The extra (weaker) incentives for those other winners who have the district in their territory to represent the interests of their different party X district combos, to fill out the matrix, make PLACE’s representation strictly better.
Why would voters in those districts want to gather around a Schelling point?
I think both in US elections and in German elections, the primary reason of why it’s valuable for a politician to be a good represenative of his districts is not about votes in the main election. In the US a candidate that does badly at local represenation risks getting primaried.
This is do to the combination of for example a major of a city having a lot of insight into whether the interests of their city are well-represented at the national stage by the local representative while at the same time the major has local political power that can be used to draft primary opponents.
Given that being primaried is one of the ways a congressman fails to be reelected it’s valuable for them to not antagonize their local political power players and represent them in parliament.
It seems like the assignment has very little power in your system I find it unlikely that representation of a district will work better then in FPTP as you claim.
PLACE is compatible with primaries; primaries would still be used in the US.
Thus, PLACE has all the same (weak) incentives for the local winner to represent any nonpartisan interests of the local district, along with strong incentives to represent the interests of their party X district combo. The extra (weaker) incentives for those other winners who have the district in their territory to represent the interests of their different party X district combos, to fill out the matrix, make PLACE’s representation strictly better.