My cached beliefs from the last time I thought about this is that progress is generally seen in small teams. This is sort of happening naturally as people (in the rationalsphere) tend to cluster into organizations, which are fairly silo’d and/or share their research informally.
This leaves you with the state of “it’s hard for someone not in an org to get up to speed on what that org actually thinks”, and my best guess is to build tools that are genuinely useful for smallish teams and networks to use semi-privately, but which increase the affordance for them to share things with the public (or, larger networks).
My cached beliefs from the last time I thought about this is that progress is generally seen in small teams. This is sort of happening naturally as people (in the rationalsphere) tend to cluster into organizations, which are fairly silo’d and/or share their research informally.
This leaves you with the state of “it’s hard for someone not in an org to get up to speed on what that org actually thinks”, and my best guess is to build tools that are genuinely useful for smallish teams and networks to use semi-privately, but which increase the affordance for them to share things with the public (or, larger networks).