I agree with your main point, but I have a nick-picky side question:
Copenhagen is a philosophical interpretation of QM, which makes metaphysical claims about wavefunctions coming into existence and then collapsing.
In what sense is the Copenhagen interpretation making “metaphysical” claims about wavefunctions coming into existence and then collapsing? My sense was that proponents are making a straightforward physical claim, on par with physical claims make by non-QM atomic theory. Copenhagen has not been empirically proved (or empirically disproved), but that does not make it metaphysical.
In other words, I think you might be using “metaphysical” as a synonym for “nonsensical.”
I agree with your main point, but I have a nick-picky side question:
In what sense is the Copenhagen interpretation making “metaphysical” claims about wavefunctions coming into existence and then collapsing? My sense was that proponents are making a straightforward physical claim, on par with physical claims make by non-QM atomic theory. Copenhagen has not been empirically proved (or empirically disproved), but that does not make it metaphysical.
In other words, I think you might be using “metaphysical” as a synonym for “nonsensical.”