Therefore, a rational truthseeking person’s priors would still be that the person they are debating with is optimizing for something else, such as creating an alliance, or competing for status.
Collaborative truthseeking would then be what happens where all participants trust each other to care about truth. That not only each of them cares about truth privately, but that this value is also common knowledge.
If I believe that the other person genuinely cares about truth, then I will take their arguments more seriously, and if I am surprised, I will be more likely to ask for more info.
Assumption: Most people are not truthseeking.
Therefore, a rational truthseeking person’s priors would still be that the person they are debating with is optimizing for something else, such as creating an alliance, or competing for status.
Collaborative truthseeking would then be what happens where all participants trust each other to care about truth. That not only each of them cares about truth privately, but that this value is also common knowledge.
If I believe that the other person genuinely cares about truth, then I will take their arguments more seriously, and if I am surprised, I will be more likely to ask for more info.