It’s Harry talking about Blame, chapter 90. (It’s not very spoily, but I don’t know how the spoiler syntax works and failed after trying for a few minutes)
“That’s not how responsibility works, Professor.” Harry’s voice was patient, like he was explaining things to a child who was certain not to understand. He wasn’t looking at her anymore, just staring off at the wall to her right side. “When you do a fault analysis, there’s no point in assigning fault to a part of the system you can’t change afterward, it’s like stepping off a cliff and blaming gravity. Gravity isn’t going to change next time. There’s no point in trying to allocate responsibility to people who aren’t going to alter their actions. Once you look at it from that perspective, you realize that allocating blame never helps anything unless you blame yourself, because you’re the only one whose actions you can change by putting blame there. That’s why Dumbledore has his room full of broken wands. He understands that part, at least.”
I don’t think I understand what you wrote, there AnthonyC; world-scale problems are hard, not immutable.
It’s Harry talking about Blame, chapter 90. (It’s not very spoily, but I don’t know how the spoiler syntax works and failed after trying for a few minutes)
I don’t think I understand what you wrote, there AnthonyC; world-scale problems are hard, not immutable.