On the topic of death, I’ve always been fond of Derrida’s “Last Words” (later translated and published in Critical Inquiry, I believe). While they were addressed to his son, I think it’s clear he really addressed them to everyone:
Jacques wanted no rites and no orations. He knows from experience what an ordeal it is for the friend who takes on the task. He asks me to thank you for coming and to bless you. He beseeches you not to be sad, to think only of the happy moments you gave him the chance to share with him.
Smile for me, he says, as I will have smiled for you until the end.
Always prefer life and constantly affirm survival...
I love you and am smiling at you from wherever I am.
On the topic of death, I’ve always been fond of Derrida’s “Last Words” (later translated and published in Critical Inquiry, I believe). While they were addressed to his son, I think it’s clear he really addressed them to everyone: