As I replied to solipsist, I’m now wishing I had asked what experiences people here have at the intersection of interface design and machine intelligence and gone from there. I find UX design and other fields I mentioned as huge and nebulous—it could be equally about hex codes for button shadows as “humane representations of thought”—but my post is not necessarily reigning that in coherently.
You can’t ignore issues such as choosing the right colors when you want to transfer information from comptuers to humans completely but most of the discussion on UX is not about graphic design.
What do you mean with friendly in this context? What’s the added value above simple speaking about UX design or information architecture?
As I replied to solipsist, I’m now wishing I had asked what experiences people here have at the intersection of interface design and machine intelligence and gone from there. I find UX design and other fields I mentioned as huge and nebulous—it could be equally about hex codes for button shadows as “humane representations of thought”—but my post is not necessarily reigning that in coherently.
You can’t ignore issues such as choosing the right colors when you want to transfer information from comptuers to humans completely but most of the discussion on UX is not about graphic design.