It seems to me like the universe could be simulated on a quantum computer without quantum mechanics in the simulation, or even in a classical computer with quantum mechanics in the simulation (though it’d take a lot longer of course). The information processing itself is the important part, not the means of processing. This doesn’t detract from your argument, which I agree with, I just wanted to point that out.
It seems to me like the universe could be simulated on a quantum computer without quantum mechanics in the simulation, or even in a classical computer with quantum mechanics in the simulation (though it’d take a lot longer of course). The information processing itself is the important part, not the means of processing. This doesn’t detract from your argument, which I agree with, I just wanted to point that out.
Right, I just wanted to underscore that no QM is required at any point (the point I mentioned before, but it never got any attention from EY).