After including all variants you listed plus a few others, there are still less than 100 total instances across the internet. So it seems very rarely used.
Possibly because it could get confused with ‘humanize’ as ‘human-ize’, which wouldn’t make sense. As choices, decisions, etc., don’t have an independent existence.
“humane-ize” would be the more sensible reading:
humane : marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals
i.e. ‘making a choice with/having compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals’
Yet the implications still differ somewhat from “showing the human factors behind a decision”. Considering your intended meaning I think this is one of those cases where shortening a phrase increases ambiguity too much.
After including all variants you listed plus a few others, there are still less than 100 total instances across the internet. So it seems very rarely used.
Possibly because it could get confused with ‘humanize’ as ‘human-ize’, which wouldn’t make sense. As choices, decisions, etc., don’t have an independent existence.
“humane-ize” would be the more sensible reading:
i.e. ‘making a choice with/having compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals’
Yet the implications still differ somewhat from “showing the human factors behind a decision”. Considering your intended meaning I think this is one of those cases where shortening a phrase increases ambiguity too much.