“Blood status is just a fossilized marriage involving a Dark Lord” (I suspect this isn’t a mistake but I don’t think it makes the least bit of sense and can’t imagine anyone in any version of the HPverse saying it; it seems like a type error if taken at all literally and if it’s a metaphor I can’t make much sense of it; maybe I’m just too stupid to be reading this story, but you might want to consider making this a bit more explicit or something)
Possible typos or other slip-ups:
“Draco could appreciate that the show” (“could appreciate the show”?)
“It still took him just as long to get anyway” (“to get in”?)
“Mistress Fireball’s concert was complete secret” (“a complete secret”? “completely secret”?)
“What s the point of secrets” (“What’s”)
“Blood status is just a fossilized marriage involving a Dark Lord” (I suspect this isn’t a mistake but I don’t think it makes the least bit of sense and can’t imagine anyone in any version of the HPverse saying it; it seems like a type error if taken at all literally and if it’s a metaphor I can’t make much sense of it; maybe I’m just too stupid to be reading this story, but you might want to consider making this a bit more explicit or something)
Thank you for the corrections. I fixed the typos.
Couple more:
“he wasn’t be treated”
“Club cast cast Lumos”
Fixed. Thanks.
One more typo: ” You’ve changed, though Harry. ”
What is the typo?
though → thought
Fixed. Thanks.