[NOTE: This post has undergone substantial revisions following feedback in the comments section. The basic complaint was that it was too airy and light on concrete examples and recommendations. So I’ve said oops, applied the virtue of narrowness, gotten specific, and hopefully made this what it should’ve been the first time.]
I appreciate the effort, particularly in light of the demotivating affect that is often the result of extensive criticism.
Thank you. It mostly comes down to mindset; I figured eventually I would write or do something that wouldn’t be well received, and when it happened I steeled myself to learn from the experience. Plus I wasn’t being flamed, commenters were universally helpful.
I appreciate the effort, particularly in light of the demotivating affect that is often the result of extensive criticism.
Thank you. It mostly comes down to mindset; I figured eventually I would write or do something that wouldn’t be well received, and when it happened I steeled myself to learn from the experience. Plus I wasn’t being flamed, commenters were universally helpful.