I like this idea a lot, but I have a few questions.
Approximately how many hours of instruction are you imagining?
Would you do any placebo controlling? Maybe give a week of generic business classes to the control group?
How would you measure success? Just whether the company still exists? If they make a profit? Maybe some kind of subjective evaluation by the owners (i.e. do they consider the business to have met their own definition of success)?
How would you measure success? Just whether the company still exists? If they make a profit? Maybe some kind of subjective evaluation by the owners (i.e. do they consider the business to have met their own definition of success)?
Reading Paul Graham’s essays gave my the impression that measuring start up success was a (mostly) solved problem, but looking back I can’t see exactly what caused me to think that. If he does have some magic, yet publicly available method I would use that. Otherwise, I would look at all three of the things you mentioned.
Approximately how many hours of instruction are you imagining?
However many are usually included in the training program we are testing. If we test multiple programs there could be a variable number of hours.
I like this idea a lot, but I have a few questions.
Approximately how many hours of instruction are you imagining?
Would you do any placebo controlling? Maybe give a week of generic business classes to the control group?
How would you measure success? Just whether the company still exists? If they make a profit? Maybe some kind of subjective evaluation by the owners (i.e. do they consider the business to have met their own definition of success)?
Reading Paul Graham’s essays gave my the impression that measuring start up success was a (mostly) solved problem, but looking back I can’t see exactly what caused me to think that. If he does have some magic, yet publicly available method I would use that. Otherwise, I would look at all three of the things you mentioned.
However many are usually included in the training program we are testing. If we test multiple programs there could be a variable number of hours.
Yes, if possible.