you’ve likely already lost the reins of the future
“Having the reins of the future” is a non-goal.
Also, you don’t “have the reins of the future” now, never have had, and almost certainly never will.
some rogue AIs are building an antimatter-powered laser in the Oort Cloud to boost solar-sail-powered von Neumann probes to nearby solar systems.… you lost.
It’s true that I’d probably count anybody building a giant self-replicating swarm to try to tile the entire light cone with any particular thing as a loss. Nonetheless, there are lots of people who seem to want to do that, and I’m not seeing how their doing it is any better than some AI doing it.
“Having the reins of the future” is a non-goal.
Also, you don’t “have the reins of the future” now, never have had, and almost certainly never will.
It’s true that I’d probably count anybody building a giant self-replicating swarm to try to tile the entire light cone with any particular thing as a loss. Nonetheless, there are lots of people who seem to want to do that, and I’m not seeing how their doing it is any better than some AI doing it.