The section about Pinkie Pie and how mortals seem to do a much better job of living in the moment might be triggering people’s deathist reflexes. Also, Celestia in this story clearly lives a rather lonely existence, not getting to do a lot of the things she wants to. Not exactly the poster child for Fun Theory.
True. Showing immortality to be fun would be the most persuasive approach, but I gave that up early on—just couldn’t think of a way to do it within the world of the show and under 10,000 words. Well, more truthfully, I couldn’t think of a way to do it that seemed dramatic. Fun isn’t dramatic. You could write a series of comedies showing the sisters having fun throughout the ages.
Pinkie Pie becomes an immortal Alicorn and ensures a paradise of endless Fun for all of Equestria?
It’s already well known in show that Pinkie can be quite the determinator on making other people happy, (A Friend in Deed) and one of the few things that Pinkie Pie seems to hate is being alone (Party Of One), so she’d have an obvious motive to make everyone else join her immortal fun party. Also, she’s so random in show you could easily believe her somehow getting Alicorn status by accident. (Chapter 1: Celestia is crushed while bravely defending Equestria, Pinkie Pie takes on her role while everyone else is calmly discussing what to do, make some sort of Pinkie Pie-Pink Sky=Sunrise reference, of COURSE, she had unexplainable powers from the very beginning, clearly this was MEANT to happen!)
It might take more than 10,000 words though. And if any pony could make Fun dramatic Pinkie Pie could. She makes fun serious business.
The section about Pinkie Pie and how mortals seem to do a much better job of living in the moment might be triggering people’s deathist reflexes. Also, Celestia in this story clearly lives a rather lonely existence, not getting to do a lot of the things she wants to. Not exactly the poster child for Fun Theory.
True. Showing immortality to be fun would be the most persuasive approach, but I gave that up early on—just couldn’t think of a way to do it within the world of the show and under 10,000 words. Well, more truthfully, I couldn’t think of a way to do it that seemed dramatic. Fun isn’t dramatic. You could write a series of comedies showing the sisters having fun throughout the ages.
Pinkie Pie becomes an immortal Alicorn and ensures a paradise of endless Fun for all of Equestria?
It’s already well known in show that Pinkie can be quite the determinator on making other people happy, (A Friend in Deed) and one of the few things that Pinkie Pie seems to hate is being alone (Party Of One), so she’d have an obvious motive to make everyone else join her immortal fun party. Also, she’s so random in show you could easily believe her somehow getting Alicorn status by accident. (Chapter 1: Celestia is crushed while bravely defending Equestria, Pinkie Pie takes on her role while everyone else is calmly discussing what to do, make some sort of Pinkie Pie-Pink Sky=Sunrise reference, of COURSE, she had unexplainable powers from the very beginning, clearly this was MEANT to happen!)
It might take more than 10,000 words though. And if any pony could make Fun dramatic Pinkie Pie could. She makes fun serious business.
You could take a tack along the lines of: “There isn’t enough of this to go around, which spoils the effect.”