If male, do a dangerous looking activity that demonstrates your mastery of some activity with / in front of a group of your closest friends, then bring them to a wild party with plentiful dopamine agonists and easy sex with attractive women (cocaine and hookers).
If female, pay young and attractive females to do your bidding, dress yourself up to be as pretty as you can, and go somewhere where you can be seen by as many (ideally high status) people as possible.
Repeat until out of money.
Try to avoid alcohol, strip clubs, slot machines, and canned hunting, as they are cheap and shitty imitations.
Enron’s inner circle did company retreats with atv riding followed by wild parties. Larry Ellison owns a fighter jet and pays a 25k noise fine whenever he takes it out at 3am.
I initially wrote a lot more, with activity recommendations, but really this covers it.
If you do want specific advice, it’s available, just invite me to the party.
A 100k potlatch is easy.
If male, do a dangerous looking activity that demonstrates your mastery of some activity with / in front of a group of your closest friends, then bring them to a wild party with plentiful dopamine agonists and easy sex with attractive women (cocaine and hookers).
If female, pay young and attractive females to do your bidding, dress yourself up to be as pretty as you can, and go somewhere where you can be seen by as many (ideally high status) people as possible.
Repeat until out of money.
Try to avoid alcohol, strip clubs, slot machines, and canned hunting, as they are cheap and shitty imitations.
Enron’s inner circle did company retreats with atv riding followed by wild parties. Larry Ellison owns a fighter jet and pays a 25k noise fine whenever he takes it out at 3am.
I initially wrote a lot more, with activity recommendations, but really this covers it.
If you do want specific advice, it’s available, just invite me to the party.
You know, for science.