If a contradiction happens in the story then this is an undisputable flaw.
Why? Maybe the story has an unreliable narrator, and an alert reader should pick up on the contradiction in order to figure out that the narrator is unreliable. Maybe the story is being told from different points of view, and different parties are offering differing interpretations of the same events. Maybe the story is a mythological one, descended from oral traditions, and contradictions have seeped in from the fact that many different people at many different times have told the same story, each adding their own flavor.
There’s lots of ways to make contradictions work in a story.
Why? Maybe the story has an unreliable narrator, and an alert reader should pick up on the contradiction in order to figure out that the narrator is unreliable. Maybe the story is being told from different points of view, and different parties are offering differing interpretations of the same events. Maybe the story is a mythological one, descended from oral traditions, and contradictions have seeped in from the fact that many different people at many different times have told the same story, each adding their own flavor.
There’s lots of ways to make contradictions work in a story.
well no, if there would be an explanation for a plothole it would not be a plothole.