Project Euler also is a good goal, but from more of an algorithmic/programming perspective.
From reading up on the math Olympiad, it sounds a lot like the competitions I went to in 4th through 8th grade. They taught me some quite useful skills—in college, discrete and combinatorial algebra was a breeze.
Your notation is the wrong way around. It’s [Project Euler] ( (without the space of course)
You also need the “http://” part so that the parser knows you’re not pointing to ”./″ or somesuch (omitting the http makes the comment break and not display the link or text at all, in this case).
Project Euler also is a good goal, but from more of an algorithmic/programming perspective.
From reading up on the math Olympiad, it sounds a lot like the competitions I went to in 4th through 8th grade. They taught me some quite useful skills—in college, discrete and combinatorial algebra was a breeze.
Your notation is the wrong way around. It’s [Project Euler] ( (without the space of course)
You also need the “http://” part so that the parser knows you’re not pointing to ”./″ or somesuch (omitting the http makes the comment break and not display the link or text at all, in this case).
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