Exactly that format is being used right now to solicit suggestions for group activities that would be of high value at the next SoCAL LW meetup in 10 days. Reply (and moderate replies) right here to help influence the activities at the meetup. I will be printing out the top suggestions and bringing them to the event in hopes of getting traction with some of them.
Part of the idea is simply to try out the best suggestion but its also intended to test LW’s actual capacity to fold reasonable criticism into behavioral improvements :-)
Exactly that format is being used right now to solicit suggestions for group activities that would be of high value at the next SoCAL LW meetup in 10 days. Reply (and moderate replies) right here to help influence the activities at the meetup. I will be printing out the top suggestions and bringing them to the event in hopes of getting traction with some of them.
Part of the idea is simply to try out the best suggestion but its also intended to test LW’s actual capacity to fold reasonable criticism into behavioral improvements :-)