Not all of your work should be awful, but if a non-trivial part of what you do isn’t boring or stressful, then your goals would already be fulfilled by others.
Well, unless you’re unusually capable for some reason or other. Lots of people write novels, perform music, act in plays or movies, or compete in sports. Very few people become Stephen King, Madonna, Russel Crowe, or Roger Clemens.
In general, though, if any given job wasn’t either difficult (such that few people can do it as well as you can), extremely time-consuming (so that you can’t both do it and have a “day job”) or less than optimally entertaining, it seems as though you’d have people doing it for free.
Well, unless you’re unusually capable for some reason or other. Lots of people write novels, perform music, act in plays or movies, or compete in sports. Very few people become Stephen King, Madonna, Russel Crowe, or Roger Clemens.
In general, though, if any given job wasn’t either difficult (such that few people can do it as well as you can), extremely time-consuming (so that you can’t both do it and have a “day job”) or less than optimally entertaining, it seems as though you’d have people doing it for free.