To quote Dennett on Happiness is a kind of practical joke I guess.
Dennett is magnificent, brilliant, engaging, fully white bearded, santa-claus like.
The one thing he is not is a happiness expert, specially a first person happiness expert.
In fact, of my intelectual idols (Chronologically listed): Nietzsche, Russell, Woody Allen, Miyazaki, Dennett, Roger Waters, Bostrom, Yudkoskwy. I would consider only Russell and Allen have interesting linguistic lessons with regards to happiness.
The problem is that this is true whether the cause makes the world better or worse.
To quote Dennett on Happiness is a kind of practical joke I guess.
Dennett is magnificent, brilliant, engaging, fully white bearded, santa-claus like.
The one thing he is not is a happiness expert, specially a first person happiness expert.
In fact, of my intelectual idols (Chronologically listed): Nietzsche, Russell, Woody Allen, Miyazaki, Dennett, Roger Waters, Bostrom, Yudkoskwy. I would consider only Russell and Allen have interesting linguistic lessons with regards to happiness.
It was only supposed to be a data point.
I definitely think you should try to take some kind of vacation soon, regardless of your plans for after that.