Economic impact of FOSS in general (the article actually mentions java script libraries):
EU study about the economic impact of FOSS (somewhat dated − 2006, but interesting to read in comparison):
FLOSS market penetration is also high – a large share of private and public organisations report some use of FLOSS in most application domains.
Almost two-thirds of FLOSS software is still written by individuals
A presentation about FOSS effects (recent but a jumble of information):
A published FOSS case study about economic impact:
Thanks! These are helpful links.
Economic impact of FOSS in general (the article actually mentions java script libraries):
EU study about the economic impact of FOSS (somewhat dated − 2006, but interesting to read in comparison):
FLOSS market penetration is also high – a large share of private and public organisations report some use of FLOSS in most application domains.
Almost two-thirds of FLOSS software is still written by individuals
A presentation about FOSS effects (recent but a jumble of information):
A published FOSS case study about economic impact:
Thanks! These are helpful links.