Scott: “You have a separate source of self-worth, and it may be too late that you realize that source isn’t enough.”
Interesting theory of why intelligence might have a negative correlation with interpersonal skills, though it seems like a ‘just so story’ to me, and I would want more evidence. Here are some alternatives: ‘Intelligent children find the games and small-talk of others their own age boring and thus do not engage with them.’ ‘Stupid children do not understand what intelligent children are trying to tell them or play with them, and thus ignore or shun them.’ In both of these circumstances, the solution is to socialize intelligent children with each other or with an older group in general. I had a horrible time in grade school, but I socialized with older children and adults and I turned out alright (well, I think so). I suppose without any socialization, a child will not learn how to interpret facial expressions, intonations, and general emotional posturing of others. I’m not certain that this can’t be learned with some effort later in life, though it might not come as naturally. Still, it would seem worth the effort.
Scott: “You have a separate source of self-worth, and it may be too late that you realize that source isn’t enough.”
Interesting theory of why intelligence might have a negative correlation with interpersonal skills, though it seems like a ‘just so story’ to me, and I would want more evidence. Here are some alternatives: ‘Intelligent children find the games and small-talk of others their own age boring and thus do not engage with them.’ ‘Stupid children do not understand what intelligent children are trying to tell them or play with them, and thus ignore or shun them.’ In both of these circumstances, the solution is to socialize intelligent children with each other or with an older group in general. I had a horrible time in grade school, but I socialized with older children and adults and I turned out alright (well, I think so). I suppose without any socialization, a child will not learn how to interpret facial expressions, intonations, and general emotional posturing of others. I’m not certain that this can’t be learned with some effort later in life, though it might not come as naturally. Still, it would seem worth the effort.