For the types of gluten problems (or wheat allergy, which often looks like a gluten problem) actually supported by science (and not just ?maybe it’s bad?) You need to go to 0 initially to let your system recover. After that, mild allergy or celiac could allow for the occasional wheat maltodextrin ingredient or “cooked in the same kitchen as active flour usage” or “ok, just one bite of that” or “I’ll just scrape the filling out of the pie.” Severe allergy or celiac requires continued zero tolerance.
At no point would eating a gluten roll or sandwich be reasonable.
Regardless, the standard diagnostic method for “I seem to have GI problems” is to remove all the things from your diet that have caused other people problems (wheat, milk, etc.) And then reintroduce them one at a time and observe your reactions. Your gut bacteria are unique to you, and you might have or lack something that makes gluten or some other protein contraindicated.
For the types of gluten problems (or wheat allergy, which often looks like a gluten problem) actually supported by science (and not just ?maybe it’s bad?) You need to go to 0 initially to let your system recover. After that, mild allergy or celiac could allow for the occasional wheat maltodextrin ingredient or “cooked in the same kitchen as active flour usage” or “ok, just one bite of that” or “I’ll just scrape the filling out of the pie.” Severe allergy or celiac requires continued zero tolerance. At no point would eating a gluten roll or sandwich be reasonable.
Regardless, the standard diagnostic method for “I seem to have GI problems” is to remove all the things from your diet that have caused other people problems (wheat, milk, etc.) And then reintroduce them one at a time and observe your reactions. Your gut bacteria are unique to you, and you might have or lack something that makes gluten or some other protein contraindicated.