the over complications, the suppositions in all areas, the assumptions of certain outcomes, the complex logic of spaghetti minded mental convulsions to make a point. It all misses the essence of AI in whatever form. I ran into this at uni doing philslophy-logic and couldn’t be philosophical about the proposed propositions. I cheated to pass. It is the same—more erudite—here and the book in general. Creating more forests and hiding the trees. Still it’s a learning curve.
the over complications, the suppositions in all areas, the assumptions of certain outcomes, the complex logic of spaghetti minded mental convulsions to make a point. It all misses the essence of AI in whatever form. I ran into this at uni doing philslophy-logic and couldn’t be philosophical about the proposed propositions. I cheated to pass. It is the same—more erudite—here and the book in general. Creating more forests and hiding the trees. Still it’s a learning curve.