“Don’t turn into a giant snake. That never helps.”
Haven’t we already had Quirrell all but explicitly invert this? He’s admitted to reading the Evil Overlord List, and his comment on the Animagus transformation is “all sensible people do, if can. Thus very rare.”
“become animagus” is a bit more general than “turn into a giant snake”.
The original evil-overloard rule is about how turning into a snake lets the hero kill you without losing alignment points, which is why it’s such a bad idea.
that ISN’T what quirrel does. He uses it to slip into harry’s pouch instead and reduce the sense of doom. much smarter than Jafar.
Haven’t we already had Quirrell all but explicitly invert this? He’s admitted to reading the Evil Overlord List, and his comment on the Animagus transformation is “all sensible people do, if can. Thus very rare.”
“become animagus” is a bit more general than “turn into a giant snake”. The original evil-overloard rule is about how turning into a snake lets the hero kill you without losing alignment points, which is why it’s such a bad idea.
that ISN’T what quirrel does. He uses it to slip into harry’s pouch instead and reduce the sense of doom. much smarter than Jafar.