We have been prepared for the idea that Quirrell has any number of identities, multiple times.
Chapter 59:
“How many different people are you, anyway?”
The pale man lying on the ground didn’t laugh, but from the broomstick Harry’s eyes saw the sides of Professor Quirrell’s lips curling up, the edge of that familiar sardonic smile. “I cannot say that I bothered keeping count. How many are you?”
Chapter 86:
“There’s Dark Wizards that have one name. There’s Dark Wizards that have two names. And there’s Dark Wizards that change names like you and I change clothes.”
I am all for the different masks, but that when a person makes many people out of himself. Here we have Tom Riddle who is definitely was born and David Monroe who was born(*), and Q.Q. who was born, and Harry’s teacher could be only one of those three (or someone else entirely), but not the three at once.
(*)I mean a boy, a baby, not the “returned from Albania” one.
We have been prepared for the idea that Quirrell has any number of identities, multiple times.
Chapter 59:
Chapter 86:
I am all for the different masks, but that when a person makes many people out of himself. Here we have Tom Riddle who is definitely was born and David Monroe who was born(*), and Q.Q. who was born, and Harry’s teacher could be only one of those three (or someone else entirely), but not the three at once.
(*)I mean a boy, a baby, not the “returned from Albania” one.