I would say it’s possible, just at a lower probability proportional to the difference in intelligence. More intelligence will still correspond to better ideas on average. That said, it was not acclaimed scientists or ivy-league research teams that invented the airplane. It was two random high-school dropouts in Ohio. This is not to say that education or prestige are the same thing as intelligence[1], simply that brilliant innovations can sometimes be made by the little guy who’s not afraid to dream big.
One thing I’ve wondered about is, how true is this for someone who’s dumber than others?
(Asking for, uh, a friend.)
I would say it’s possible, just at a lower probability proportional to the difference in intelligence. More intelligence will still correspond to better ideas on average.
That said, it was not acclaimed scientists or ivy-league research teams that invented the airplane. It was two random high-school dropouts in Ohio. This is not to say that education or prestige are the same thing as intelligence[1], simply that brilliant innovations can sometimes be made by the little guy who’s not afraid to dream big.
By all accounts the Wright Brothers were intelligent