Regarding fanboyism, that’s certainly an aspect that it has similarity to among the more self-conscious Orthodox Jews there’s a feeling that they understand it as an intellectual game. And for what it is worth, when I’ve wrote on my blog entries about things likes the halachot of making a horcrux, or the kashrut status of a Star Trek replicator, most Orthodox readers are interested and generally not offended.
Regarding fanboyism, that’s certainly an aspect that it has similarity to among the more self-conscious Orthodox Jews there’s a feeling that they understand it as an intellectual game. And for what it is worth, when I’ve wrote on my blog entries about things likes the halachot of making a horcrux, or the kashrut status of a Star Trek replicator, most Orthodox readers are interested and generally not offended.
I want a link to that.
Discussed in this entry.