Why stop there? Employment hazard (NSFW), Copyright hazard (link to torrent, sharing site or a paper copied from behind a paywall), Relationship hazard (picture of a gorgeous guy/girl), dieting hazard (discussion of what goes well with bacon)...
Well, the ones I mentioned are drawn from Bostrom’s paper (although they aren’t all of his categories). Eliezer seemed to be specifically discouraging a class of psychological reaction hazards while using the more general term “information hazard” to do it; I thought to inquire into what folks thought of other classes of information hazard.
Why stop there? Employment hazard (NSFW), Copyright hazard (link to torrent, sharing site or a paper copied from behind a paywall), Relationship hazard (picture of a gorgeous guy/girl), dieting hazard (discussion of what goes well with bacon)...
Well, the ones I mentioned are drawn from Bostrom’s paper (although they aren’t all of his categories). Eliezer seemed to be specifically discouraging a class of psychological reaction hazards while using the more general term “information hazard” to do it; I thought to inquire into what folks thought of other classes of information hazard.