but on the other hand I know about the myth of the mermaids’ singing (and Ulysses’s strategy to cope with it
A nitpick: The Odyssey had sirens singing, not mermaids—and those were half-bird women, not half-fish women. See how they were depicted in ancient times
In Spanish (and presumably also in whichever language is army’s native tongue, if it is not Spanish) the word ‘sirena’ is used for both siren and mermaid, hence the confusion.
Yes, it’s Italian.
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A nitpick: The Odyssey had sirens singing, not mermaids—and those were half-bird women, not half-fish women. See how they were depicted in ancient times
In Spanish (and presumably also in whichever language is army’s native tongue, if it is not Spanish) the word ‘sirena’ is used for both siren and mermaid, hence the confusion.
Yes, it’s Italian.