Delusions that are truly widely held and not merely believed to be widely held are far too dangerous to attack. There are sociopolitical Eldritch Abominations that it would serve LW well to stay well clear of and perhaps even pretend they don’t exist for the time being.
The next time you feel that way, make yourself another identity, and use it to say the things you wouldn’t otherwise. It really is quite liberating. It’s very rare for a delusion to really be too strong to attack, especially here; it is only that you fear backlash.
20 karma so you can post. Empty history so you can keep it in long-term storage without risking losing karma, so that if you need to post on short notice, you don’t have to wait for something else to be upvoted. Fresh account in case anonymity is required.
That sounds laborious enough to set up that I don’t think I’d consider it a serious vulnerability, but I’m having a lot of trouble coming up with a scenario where it’d be worth the trouble. There are situations where I might benignly want to write an anonymous top-level post, but relatively few that absolutely have to be outside the discussion section, and essentially none that also have to be done on zero notice.
At least aside from perpetrating some kind of drama, and I hardly need to emphasize why that’s a bad idea.
It’s not about being able to post anonymously on zero notice, but about removing the temptation to skip making an anonymous account in borderline cases by converting it to a sunk cost.
The discussion section does change the calculation somewhat, but getting 20 karma on a clean account is not much more effort than getting 2 karma. (Someone explained the strategy elsewhere on this thread.)
Help me out… why?
To quote Quirinus Quirrell
20 karma so you can post. Empty history so you can keep it in long-term storage without risking losing karma, so that if you need to post on short notice, you don’t have to wait for something else to be upvoted. Fresh account in case anonymity is required.
That sounds laborious enough to set up that I don’t think I’d consider it a serious vulnerability, but I’m having a lot of trouble coming up with a scenario where it’d be worth the trouble. There are situations where I might benignly want to write an anonymous top-level post, but relatively few that absolutely have to be outside the discussion section, and essentially none that also have to be done on zero notice.
At least aside from perpetrating some kind of drama, and I hardly need to emphasize why that’s a bad idea.
It’s not about being able to post anonymously on zero notice, but about removing the temptation to skip making an anonymous account in borderline cases by converting it to a sunk cost.
The discussion section does change the calculation somewhat, but getting 20 karma on a clean account is not much more effort than getting 2 karma. (Someone explained the strategy elsewhere on this thread.)
That sounds genius, and simple. Do you have some more examples where this way of preemptive barrier removal proved useful?