If you understand the point there’s no reason to make a comment like this except as an attempt to show off. Changing “250 IQ” to “+10 sd out from the mean intelligence” only serves to make the original point less accessible to people not steeped in psychometry.
You don’t have to be steeped in psychometry to understand what a standard deviation is. And if we’re going to talk about intelligence at all, it is often helpful to keep in mind the difference between IQ and intelligence.
If you understand the point there’s no reason to make a comment like this except as an attempt to show off
Rebuke denied. While IQ 250 makes intuitive sense, as “smarter than we can possibly imagine”, attaching numbers with two sigfigs to it is misleading at best. I don’t know how one can tell IQ 250 from IQ 500.
If you understand the point there’s no reason to make a comment like this except as an attempt to show off. Changing “250 IQ” to “+10 sd out from the mean intelligence” only serves to make the original point less accessible to people not steeped in psychometry.
You don’t have to be steeped in psychometry to understand what a standard deviation is.
And if we’re going to talk about intelligence at all, it is often helpful to keep in mind the difference between IQ and intelligence.
Rebuke denied. While IQ 250 makes intuitive sense, as “smarter than we can possibly imagine”, attaching numbers with two sigfigs to it is misleading at best. I don’t know how one can tell IQ 250 from IQ 500.