I’m ll, my real name is Lukas. I am a student at a technical university in the US and a hobbyist FOSS programmer.
I discovered Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality accidentally one night, and since then I’ve been completely hooked on it. After I caught up, I decided to check out the Less Wrong community. I’ve been lurking since then, reading the essays, comments, hanging out in the IRC channel.
I am definitely enjoying this community. I am a recent Reddit expat, too, so I will focus my internet browsing time here. I don’t think I will miss Reddit at all.
If your Reddit time commitment was anything like that of other people I know, you should be able to blow through all the sequences in about a day or two : )
Hey everyone!
I’m ll, my real name is Lukas. I am a student at a technical university in the US and a hobbyist FOSS programmer.
I discovered Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality accidentally one night, and since then I’ve been completely hooked on it. After I caught up, I decided to check out the Less Wrong community. I’ve been lurking since then, reading the essays, comments, hanging out in the IRC channel.
Welcome to Less Wrong III!
It’s not III, it’s lll.
We can just call him CL for short, to distinguish him from IIV.
Damn sans-serif fonts...
If I were reading this in inconsolata, I’d have known that. Thanks.
It seems like my username is already sparking some controversies. It’s three lowercase L letters.
My initial is LL, but I can’t have a two letter username, so LLL, but I thought uppercase would be too much, so lll it is.
Thank you!
I am definitely enjoying this community. I am a recent Reddit expat, too, so I will focus my internet browsing time here. I don’t think I will miss Reddit at all.
If your Reddit time commitment was anything like that of other people I know, you should be able to blow through all the sequences in about a day or two : )