That’s a very interesting thought. Personally, I don’t think that we’re a completely irrelevant by-product (for various reasons), but I see nothing against the hypothesis that we’re more of a pleasant side-effect than the actual pinnacle of creation. The actual pinnacle of creation might very well be something that will be created by a Friendly AI—or even by an Unfriendly AI—vast aeons in the future.
When He throws galaxies at each other, what becomes of whatever intelligent life may have populated them?
Given the length of time it takes for galaxies to collide, I’d guess that the intelligent life probably develops a technological civilisation, recognises their danger, and still has a few million years to take steps to protect themselves. Evacuation is probably a feasible strategy, though probably not the best strategy, in that sort of timeframe.
That’s a very interesting thought. Personally, I don’t think that we’re a completely irrelevant by-product (for various reasons), but I see nothing against the hypothesis that we’re more of a pleasant side-effect than the actual pinnacle of creation. The actual pinnacle of creation might very well be something that will be created by a Friendly AI—or even by an Unfriendly AI—vast aeons in the future.
Given the length of time it takes for galaxies to collide, I’d guess that the intelligent life probably develops a technological civilisation, recognises their danger, and still has a few million years to take steps to protect themselves. Evacuation is probably a feasible strategy, though probably not the best strategy, in that sort of timeframe.