Where’s your information coming from that you’re right or wrong in light of?
The functional role of ethics places constraints on metaethical axioms or maxims, which, when combined with facts about preferences, can be concretised into an object level ethics.
So—is that actually what you mean; how do you resolve the issues of relative weighting of preferences and changing situations; and if you resolve that, how do you apply it to the case in hand?
I don’t have a know what the One True Ethics is. I don’t know what the One True Physics is either. That doesn’t refute physical realism. The former doesn’t refute metaethical realism. I am only arguing that realism is not obviously false, not relativism obviously true.
The functional role of ethics places constraints on metaethical axioms or maxims, which, when combined with facts about preferences, can be concretised into an object level ethics.
I don’t have a know what the One True Ethics is. I don’t know what the One True Physics is either. That doesn’t refute physical realism. The former doesn’t refute metaethical realism. I am only arguing that realism is not obviously false, not relativism obviously true.