Please change your posting style or leave lesswrong. Not only is disingenuous rhetoric not welcome, your use thereof doesn’t even seem particularly competent.
ie. What the heck? You think that the relevance of authority isn’t obvious to everyone here and is a notion sufficiently clever to merit ‘traps’? You think that forcing someone to repeat what is already clear and already something they plainly endorse even qualifies as entrapment? (It’s like an undercover Vice cop having already been paid for a forthcoming sexual favor demanding “Say it again! Then I’ll really have you!”)
Did you not notice that even if you proved Eliezer’s judgement were a blatant logical fallacy it still wouldn’t invalidate the point in the comment you are directing your ‘trap’ games at? The comment even explained that explicitly.
The guy without any physics qualifications is concluding that the guy with the physics PhD is incompetent in physics? You see the problem? EY’s apparently authoritarian behaviour is supposed to be justified by the fact that he has plenty of evidence of Shminux’s incompetence. But shminux is also doubting his competence and is much better qualified to do so.
If I ever have cause to send Shminux a letter I will be sure to play proper deference to his status by including “Dr.” as the title. Alas, Shminux’s arguments have screened off his authority, and then some.
There are no rational grounds for EY-can-judge-shminux-but-shminux-can’t-judge-EY. It’s just a recyclying of EY-is-special-because-he-says-so-and-this-is-his-forum.
“No rational grounds” means a different thing than “the particular evidence I mention points in the other direction”. That difference matters rather a lot.
“Rational grounds” includes all Bayesian evidence… such things as costly affiliation signals (PhDs) and also other forms of evidence—including everything the PhD in question has said. Ignoring the other evidence would be crazy and lead to poor conclusions.
Please change your posting style or leave lesswrong. Not only is disingenuous rhetoric not welcome, your use thereof doesn’t even seem particularly competent.
ie. What the heck? You think that the relevance of authority isn’t obvious to everyone here and is a notion sufficiently clever to merit ‘traps’? You think that forcing someone to repeat what is already clear and already something they plainly endorse even qualifies as entrapment? (It’s like an undercover Vice cop having already been paid for a forthcoming sexual favor demanding “Say it again! Then I’ll really have you!”)
Did you not notice that even if you proved Eliezer’s judgement were a blatant logical fallacy it still wouldn’t invalidate the point in the comment you are directing your ‘trap’ games at? The comment even explained that explicitly.
If I ever have cause to send Shminux a letter I will be sure to play proper deference to his status by including “Dr.” as the title. Alas, Shminux’s arguments have screened off his authority, and then some.
“No rational grounds” means a different thing than “the particular evidence I mention points in the other direction”. That difference matters rather a lot.
“Rational grounds” includes all Bayesian evidence… such things as costly affiliation signals (PhDs) and also other forms of evidence—including everything the PhD in question has said. Ignoring the other evidence would be crazy and lead to poor conclusions.
That isn’t a fact. I don’t see anything going on here except the same blind side-taking as before.
Please consider whether this exchange is worth your while. Certainly wasn’t worth mine.
I affirm wedrifid’s instruction to change your posting style or leave LW.