That’s funny. No. I don’t care what JohnH wants to be seen as or what title he deserves. I just want my previous-self identified as a “plausible Mormon”. In my opinion, JohnH wants me to be seen as a “fringe Mormon” whose departure from the LDS Church is unimportant in the debate over whether the LDS Church is true, because I didn’t really understand Latter-day Saint beliefs. Which I did as much as any other average Latter-day Saint I know.
If you’re feeling trapped into arguing with this guy to defend your reputation, you may be better off just saying something like: “If you turn out to be right, and most people don’t believe the way I do, I’m still not going to start believing in the LDS. Therefore my expected return on this conversation is 0 and I’m not going to continue it.”
Certainly from my perspective that would be a much more high-status move than continuing to argue with the guy. Because, in all kindness: Your departure from the LDS is unimportant in the debate over whether the Church is true. Not because the beliefs are or are not commonly held, nor because they are or are not ridiculous, but because there are much better reasons for disbelieving. Whichever one of your views prevails here, it’s not going to serve as a good reason for me or anyone else to start believing or disbelieving.
Your reasons may be important in a discussion over why people leave the LDS—but that’s a separate issue to whether the LDS is true. So, you may not be getting what you think you’re getting in terms of reputation by arguing this over this.
If you’re feeling trapped into arguing with this guy to defend your reputation, you may be better off just saying something like: “If you turn out to be right, and most people don’t believe the way I do, I’m still not going to start believing in the LDS. Therefore my expected return on this conversation is 0 and I’m not going to continue it.”
Certainly from my perspective that would be a much more high-status move than continuing to argue with the guy. Because, in all kindness: Your departure from the LDS is unimportant in the debate over whether the Church is true. Not because the beliefs are or are not commonly held, nor because they are or are not ridiculous, but because there are much better reasons for disbelieving. Whichever one of your views prevails here, it’s not going to serve as a good reason for me or anyone else to start believing or disbelieving.
Your reasons may be important in a discussion over why people leave the LDS—but that’s a separate issue to whether the LDS is true. So, you may not be getting what you think you’re getting in terms of reputation by arguing this over this.
Those are strong arguments for discontinuing this discussion. Thank you for helping me grok this situation better. :)