I’m somewhat of an emotional Luddite—whenever a new technology like Google Glass or something comes out I groan and I think about all the ways it’s going to further detach people from reality. Transhumanism was disgusting to me before I found this site, while reading the sequences I started to buy into the philosophy, now a few months after reading the sequences for the first time I rationally know it is a very very good thing but still emotionally find it a little unappealing.
Interesting. If I may; what is it about technology/futurism you find so unappealing?
Interesting. If I may; what is it about technology/futurism you find so unappealing?
I think it would take a very long response to truly answer this, unfortunately. A lot of it has to do with exposing myself in the past through friends, media, and my surroundings to hippie-ish memeplexes that sort of reinforce this view. (Right now I go to school on a dairy farm, for example). Also in the past I had extremely irrational views on a lot of issues, one of which was a form of neo-luddism, and that idea is still in my brain somewhere.
Also, I have to ask: why the username?
I find it amusing, I guess. I use it on a few sites. It does sort of clash with the writing style I’m using here, I’ll admit.
Welcome to LessWrong!
Interesting. If I may; what is it about technology/futurism you find so unappealing?
Also, I have to ask: why the username?
I think it would take a very long response to truly answer this, unfortunately. A lot of it has to do with exposing myself in the past through friends, media, and my surroundings to hippie-ish memeplexes that sort of reinforce this view. (Right now I go to school on a dairy farm, for example). Also in the past I had extremely irrational views on a lot of issues, one of which was a form of neo-luddism, and that idea is still in my brain somewhere.
I find it amusing, I guess. I use it on a few sites. It does sort of clash with the writing style I’m using here, I’ll admit.