If I had such a persuasive argument, naturally it would already have persuaded me, but my point is that it doesn’t need to persuade people who already agree with it—just the rest of us.
And once you’ve self-modified into an instrumentalist, I guess there are other arguments that will now persuade you—for example, that this hypothetical underlying layer of “reality” has no extra predictive power (at least, I think that’s what shiminux finds persuasive.)
If I had such a persuasive argument, naturally it would already have persuaded me, but my point is that it doesn’t need to persuade people who already agree with it—just the rest of us.
And once you’ve self-modified into an instrumentalist, I guess there are other arguments that will now persuade you—for example, that this hypothetical underlying layer of “reality” has no extra predictive power (at least, I think that’s what shiminux finds persuasive.)