How will internet satellites affect China? Currently SpaceX and other want to launch satellites to make satellite internet access radically cheaper.
If the Chinese buy their internet access from SpaceX instead of Chinese internet providers, the might have more trouble with blocking websites.
Are there mechanisms that will allow China to keep the ability to censor with their firewall in that scenario?
Forbid the Chinese to “buy their internet access from SpaceX instead of Chinese internet providers”.
In related news, it seems China just (in 2017) made the move to outlaw VPN’s
How will internet satellites affect China? Currently SpaceX and other want to launch satellites to make satellite internet access radically cheaper.
If the Chinese buy their internet access from SpaceX instead of Chinese internet providers, the might have more trouble with blocking websites.
Are there mechanisms that will allow China to keep the ability to censor with their firewall in that scenario?
Forbid the Chinese to “buy their internet access from SpaceX instead of Chinese internet providers”.
In related news, it seems China just (in 2017) made the move to outlaw VPN’s