(Off-topic) In terms of karma, what should I take away when this comment gets a negative score? Do I need to expound on my point? Was my point invalid/stupid/inane/irrelevant?
Also, is there a kosher method for switching to off-topic discussion or is it something to avoid altogether?
(Edit) Hm. After asking about it, my comment was apparently modded up, so nevermind. Weird.
Also, is there a kosher method for switching to off-topic discussion or is it something to avoid altogether?
For small bits of off-topic discussion, no special action is required. For lengthy asides, you can start a new post (for lengthy topics) or use the monthly open thread (for smaller ones), leaving a link in the place where you would segue.
In my opinion, off-topic discussion should be fine since it will just get voted down and thus be below the threshold for people who only want to see on-topic stuff.
This reminds me of the Dollar Auction. What happens if the estimate keeps getting pushed out? Are you willing to read the book forever?
I suppose if you keep messing up the estimate, the confidence in your next estimate will go down, which should tip the scales at some point.
(Off-topic) In terms of karma, what should I take away when this comment gets a negative score? Do I need to expound on my point? Was my point invalid/stupid/inane/irrelevant?
Also, is there a kosher method for switching to off-topic discussion or is it something to avoid altogether?
(Edit) Hm. After asking about it, my comment was apparently modded up, so nevermind. Weird.
For small bits of off-topic discussion, no special action is required. For lengthy asides, you can start a new post (for lengthy topics) or use the monthly open thread (for smaller ones), leaving a link in the place where you would segue.
In my opinion, off-topic discussion should be fine since it will just get voted down and thus be below the threshold for people who only want to see on-topic stuff.
Or to put it another way, no, it’s not fine.