We’ve got a bit of a selection bias: anything that modern medicine is good at treating (smallpox, black plague, scurvy, appendicitis, leprosy, hypothyroidism, deafness, hookworm, syphillis) eventually gets mentally kicked out of your category “things it deals with” since doctors don’t have to spend much time dealing with them.
this convinced me to remove my strong agree vote of BrightCandle.
But I still think, relatively speaking, we can cure very little. Not sure how to formalize what I mean by relative to what, but vaguely, stuff that causes degradation.
Hypothyroidism is not something we know how to cure we only know how to treat the symptoms by supplementing hormones. For deafness, we also largely don’t have real cures but only symptom treatment.
A cure would mean that you could stop treatment and the disease doesn’t come back. We don’t have that for hypothyroidism and deafness.
We’ve got a bit of a selection bias: anything that modern medicine is good at treating (smallpox, black plague, scurvy, appendicitis, leprosy, hypothyroidism, deafness, hookworm, syphillis) eventually gets mentally kicked out of your category “things it deals with” since doctors don’t have to spend much time dealing with them.
this convinced me to remove my strong agree vote of BrightCandle.
But I still think, relatively speaking, we can cure very little. Not sure how to formalize what I mean by relative to what, but vaguely, stuff that causes degradation.
Hypothyroidism is not something we know how to cure we only know how to treat the symptoms by supplementing hormones. For deafness, we also largely don’t have real cures but only symptom treatment.
A cure would mean that you could stop treatment and the disease doesn’t come back. We don’t have that for hypothyroidism and deafness.