Knowing that someone out there already predicts my behavior perfectly
The halting problem shows that perfect prediction is impossible if you don’t simulate the whole system.
On the other hand there are plenty of cases where pretty good prediction is possible.
Observing myself act in ways I never intended to act, whether beneficial to me or not
When it comes to acting in way you don’t intend to do, flirting is a good example.
I remember an experience I was sitting next to a beautiful girl in a lecture.
We had good “chemistry”. One time I look at her breast and she immidiately touched my
arm and then automatically said “sorry”. She had no conscious knowledge of the fact
that she touched me in response to looking at her breast, so she excused her behavior.
I also caught myself one time touching her and immidiately excusing myself where I didn’t consciously intend to touch her.
I don’t think that such actions we take outside of our conscious awareness mean that we don’t have free will.
Observing my arms/legs/mouth move as if externally controlled, and being unable to interfere
If you cut my nerves that control my arm and put in electrones to control my arm I don’t think that would mean that I lack free will.
When it comes to psychological control, part of free will is the ability to give up control over your arm. I get more annoyed by my personal inability to give up some forms control as I would see that as given up free will.
The halting problem shows that perfect prediction is impossible if you don’t simulate the whole system. On the other hand there are plenty of cases where pretty good prediction is possible.
When it comes to acting in way you don’t intend to do, flirting is a good example. I remember an experience I was sitting next to a beautiful girl in a lecture.
We had good “chemistry”. One time I look at her breast and she immidiately touched my arm and then automatically said “sorry”. She had no conscious knowledge of the fact that she touched me in response to looking at her breast, so she excused her behavior.
I also caught myself one time touching her and immidiately excusing myself where I didn’t consciously intend to touch her.
I don’t think that such actions we take outside of our conscious awareness mean that we don’t have free will.
If you cut my nerves that control my arm and put in electrones to control my arm I don’t think that would mean that I lack free will.
When it comes to psychological control, part of free will is the ability to give up control over your arm. I get more annoyed by my personal inability to give up some forms control as I would see that as given up free will.