I only care about answerable questions, and the first one isn’t without first defining free will. The second one is about subjective experiences, and so is perfectly answerable.
Understood and (on the whole) agreed. But I think the question, as phrased, is liable to suggest the first at least as much as the second.
Datapoint: I first interpreted it as #1, as gjm suggests.
(And I failed to notice my confusion when the example answers didn’t seem to match up well with the question. That irritates me.)
I only care about answerable questions, and the first one isn’t without first defining free will. The second one is about subjective experiences, and so is perfectly answerable.
Understood and (on the whole) agreed. But I think the question, as phrased, is liable to suggest the first at least as much as the second.
Datapoint: I first interpreted it as #1, as gjm suggests.
(And I failed to notice my confusion when the example answers didn’t seem to match up well with the question. That irritates me.)