The FDA has a risk model and works to prevent the risks in the model. When a whistleblower comes to them to tell them about a risk that’s not really in their risk model such as what happened in the Ranbaxy saga the FDA was awful at reacting.
The opioid epidemic is another example where the FDA was bad at reacting to a risk that’s outside of what they initially considered.
Given that we don’t have a good understanding of AI risk building an organization like the FDA that’s highly restrictive for certain risks and very bureaucratic and bad at tackling other risks would be bad.
The FDA has a risk model and works to prevent the risks in the model. When a whistleblower comes to them to tell them about a risk that’s not really in their risk model such as what happened in the Ranbaxy saga the FDA was awful at reacting.
The opioid epidemic is another example where the FDA was bad at reacting to a risk that’s outside of what they initially considered.
Given that we don’t have a good understanding of AI risk building an organization like the FDA that’s highly restrictive for certain risks and very bureaucratic and bad at tackling other risks would be bad.