Meetup : Mountain View: Board Game Night
Discussion article for the meetup : Mountain View: Board Game Night
It’s been four whole weeks since we last played board games! How has this happened!?
The Quixey office has quite a few board games, so we won’t be short, but you’re more than welcome to bring anything else you might like to play. I will ensure that both Zendo and The Resistance are available. :)
If you’re in the San Francisco Bay area and reading this, consider joining the Bay Area Less Wrong mailing list. Regular meetups in Mountain View and Berkeley are announced and discussed there, and other events of interest to the local community.
Entering the Quixeyplex: Our doors will be locked in the evening, and it’s not always the case that someone’s watching them for passerby. If you need to be let in, you can call me at 608.698.2959.
Wish I could be there